
Showing posts from July, 2023

About Me

 Hello all, My name is Camila and I am a 2nd-year student at LBCC, transferring to Western Oregon University in the Fall with a major in Accounting. I am not originally from Oregon but have spent 6 years here so far, and view the state as my second home. My first home is Northern California where I was born and partially raised, but I have lived in Missouri, Canada, and now, Oregon. Many often ask me what I'd consider my favorite place to have lived, and I can never choose. Every place was wonderful and worth a visit or two. Growing up, I had an admiration for all animals, particularly dogs, lizards, and livestock. My father and his side of the family own a ranch with goats, sheep, cows, dogs (for protection against coyotes and mountain lions), and a pony. When I'm able to visit home, I devote much of my time to tending to the animals and hoping I can catch a live birth of a new kid or calf. Otherwise, I am usually visiting my favorite spots to eat or asking my grandparents abo